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8. Cherry Street at Fifth Street, looking West. Photo by Kehoe July 1953. (INDE 1022) (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

The parking lot on the north side of Cherry Street is the site of Caleb Cresson's home. He insured his three-story brick house that fronted 35 feet on Cherry Street in 1786 and lived there until his death in 1816. Cresson's diary of 1791-1792 offers a window into the simple pleasures he enjoyed when working in the small walled garden behind his house.

Caleb Cresson's will left his house and three others he had built adjoining to the west, to his son Caleb Cresson Jr., amounting to some 91 feet of real estate frontage on Cherry Street.

9. 515 Cherry Street-north side. Photo by Koehler Summer 1952 (INDE 2365-F) (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

Two of the houses that were still standing west of the parking lot on Cherry Street appear to be eighteenth century construction and thus may have been the houses Cresson insured in 1786 with his own home at the corner of Hoffman's Alley.

10. 141 North Sixth Street-East side between Race and Cherry Streets. Photo by William Koehler Summer 1952 (INDE 2364-A) (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

The shadow of a smaller two-story house built for the hordes of working tradesmen who settled on this block can be seen in the facing side wall of the surviving house at 141 North Sixth, which appears itself to be of late 18th century construction.

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Last Updated: 05-May-2004