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Philadelphia City Surveys

Division 2T, Folder 43, pre-1814, Race to Mulberry, 5th to 6th, Philadelphia City Archives

These city surveys have survived in a fragmented condition. They are usually doublesided, evidently done so to conserve paper or cost or both. Thus several lots surveyed at different times and at different places on the block might fill one sheet. Sometimes these surveys provide information from former deeds and wills that explain land ownership. Together they provide a composite of measurements and context for only a few sections of Block Three in the eighteenth century.

1. "Deed Robt Morris to Wm Rolston-31s Jany 1777" at Mulberry & Fifth Streets & Delaware 5th and Cherry Street (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)


2. Survey for Peter DeHaven 6th Street near Mulberry Sept 6th 1791 (click on bottom image for an enlargement in a new window)


3. Godfrey Minicks Lot, March 7, 1785 and John Clawges lot June 2, 1785 (click on images for an enlargement in a new window)

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Last Updated: 05-May-2004