Excavations at the Pharr Mounds and the Bear Creek Site
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Pharr Mounds


FIGURE 8.—Mound D (top). Mound B, the largest of the group (bottom).

FIGURE 9.—Mound A, excavation of the initial trial trench (top). Large grave beneath Mound A. Cremations near tip of arrow (omitted from the online edition).

FIGURE 10.—Mound E, after the bulldozer had stripped all but 2 feet of fill from the mound base (top). Feature 19, the possible log tomb beneath Mound E (omitted from the online edition).

(omitted from the online edition)
FIGURE 11.—Two features revealed in the test trench at Mound E. Feature 11, the possible crematory pit and Feature 12, with the Baldwin Plain jar. The faint line about half way up the left bank marks the surface of the primary mound covering the burial platform (top). Mound E. The corner of Feature 13, a grave intrusive from the stage 1 surface. This surface is marked by line of gravel approximately 1 foot below rim of excavation. The surface of the burial platform is marked by the dark line just above the clip board.

FIGURE 12.—a, Marksville Incised, var. Marksville; Mound E, surface of burial platform (top). b, Flint River Cordmarked; Mound E, Feature 12 (bottom left). c, Flint River Brushed; Mound E, Feature 10 (found with zone-stamped vessel, fig. 13d) (bottom right).

FIGURE 13.—a, Baldwin Plain; Mound E, surface of burial platform (top). b, Furrs Cordmarked; Mound E, fill of burial platform (2nd from top). c, Unnamed zone-stamped; Mound E, surface of burial platform (2nd from bottom). d, Unnamed zone-stamped; Mound E, Feature 10 (bottom).

FIGURE 14.—Projectile Points and Blades. a-c, Type "A"; d-f, Type "C"; g, h, Type "B"; i, j, recurved edged blades; k,k triangular blade; l, n, lanceolate blades; o, p, Type "J".

FIGURE 15.—Projectile Points. a, b, Type "H"; c-e, Type "D"; f, g, Type "F"; h-j, Type "E"; k, Type "L"; l, m, Type "I"; n, Type "G".

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Last Updated: 15-May-2008