Excavations at the Pharr Mounds and the Bear Creek Site
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Pharr Mounds


FIGURE 16.—Limestone tempered pottery. a, Flint River Cordmarked; b, Mulberry Creek Plain; c, d, Long Branch Fabric Marked.

FIGURE 17.—Miscellaneous chipped stone artifacts. a-d; drills; e, f, spatulate artifacts; g, h, triangular cores; l, j. ovate cores; k-m, long blades with straight bases; n, large triangular flake.

FIGURE 18.—Miscellaneous sand tempered pottery. a, b, cord impressed; c, rocker stamped; d, f, incised; e, punctated.

FIGURE 19.—Sand tempered pottery. a-c, Saltillo Fabric Impressed; e, f, Baldwin Plain; g, h, Furrs Cordmarked.

FIGURE 20.—The foil-thin silver plating, possibly from conjoined tubes, found on the burial platform beneath primary Mound E.

FIGURE 21.—Spool-shaped artifact. a, inner core of clay, wrapped with vegetable fiber; b, inner flange; c, silver plated outer flange.

FIGURE 22.—Platform pipes of greenstone and clay.

FIGURE 23.—Miscellaneous artifacts. a, b, "celts" of shaly sandstone; c, flask-shaped artifact of clay.

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Last Updated: 15-May-2008