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1. A Skokomish Camp by E. S. Curtis, 1912. Courtesy, Library of Congress.

2. Shovelnose canoes, Coastal Indians. Photograph by E. S. Curtis, 1912. Courtesy, Library of Congress.

(omitted from the online edition)
3. A Snohomish grave house photographed by E. S. Curtis. The Skagit Indians used similar structures for their dead. Courtesy, Library of Congress.

4. International Boundary Commission camp at Sumas, painted by James W. Alden, American Commision. Courtesy, National Archives (Record Group 76, No. 8)

5. Chilliwack Lake, where the International Boundary Commission established a depot 1859-60. The snow-capped peaks in the background probably lie within today's national park. Painting by James W. Alden. American Commission. Courtesy, National Archives (Record Group 76, No. 9)

6. James W. Alden's water color of the "summit of the Cascade Mountains." Although not yet identified this view is probably within today's park. Courtesy, National Archives (Record Group 76, No. 10)

7. A portion of Lt. H. H. Pierce's map of his trip of exploration across the North Cascades, 1882. Both Pierce River and Synon's Fork are today called Stehekin River. Backus Fork is now Bridge Creek. (click on image for a PDF version)

8. Mine tunnel at Doubtful Lake, the area of the first discovery of gold in the Stehekin drainage. Photograph by Paul Sollie

9. Value mine, North Fork of Cascade River. This is one of the few active mines in the area. NPS Photo

10. Old power plant for mines in the vicinity of Skagit Queen Creek. Photograph by Allan May

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Last Updated: 11-Jun-2008