Planning Our National Park Roads and Our National Parkways
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DOUGHTON PARK MEADOWS. High elevation pasture lands. (National Park Service, Blue Ridge Parkway Photo)

DEVILS GARDEN, NORTH CAROLINA. Parkway road skirts edge of escarpment and enters deep rock cut. (National Park Service, Blue Ridge Parkway Photo)

PICNIC AREA SHELTER AND COMFORT STATION, DOUGHTON PARK, NORTH CAROLINA. Character of Parkway public use buildings adapted from materials and appearance of native architecture. (National Park Service, Blue Ridge Parkway Photo)

GRAZING SHEEP AND RAIL FENCES. Adjoining farmers preserve living rural mountain scene through lease of pasture lands. (National Park Service, Blue Ridge Parkway Photo)

'NEATH WINTERS ICY MANTLE. Craggy Pinnacle tunnel avoids heavy cut through Rhododendron covered ridge. (National Park Service, Blue Ridge Parkway Photo)

ENTERING GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK, NORTH CAROLINA. Exhibit farmstead of restored pioneer buildings. (Photo Courtesy Asheville Chamber of Commerce, By Lou Harshaw)

GEORGE WASHINGTON MEMORIAL PARKWAY. Varied median section above Key Bridge--one roadway climbs to high bluffs--the other hugs the river's edge. (Photo by Courtesy Bureau of Public Roads)

GEORGE WASHINGTON MEMORIAL PARKWAY. Picnic tables along the Mount Vernon Memorial Highway below Alexandria. (Photo by Courtesy Bureau of Public Roads)

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Last Updated: 18-Feb-2009