The War in the Pacific
Meaning and Purpose


Public Law 103-197

Memorial Wall

Deaths (Guam)

Injuries (Guam)

Casualties (U.S.)

World War II Memorial to the People of Guam


  • On April 29, 1993, H.R. 1944 was introduced by Delegate Robert A. Underwood in the 103rd Congress as a Tribute to the People of Guam.

  • H.R. 1944 called for the appropriation of $8 million for the construction of appropriate monuments at the War in the Pacific National Historic Park on Guam "which shall commemorate the loyalty of the people of Guam and the heroism of the American forces that liberated Guam."

  • H.R. 1944 was signed by President Clinton on December 17, 1993 as P.L. 103-197.

  • Phase 1 of the Tribute to the People of Guam called for the construction of a Memorial Wall at the Asan Bay Overlook. Construction commenced in September of 1993, and was completed in time for Guam's Golden Salute commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Liberation Day in July 1994. The Memorial contains a park addition at Asan, including a scenic overlook, bronze relief sculptures depicting the occupation and liberation, and a landscaped contemplative garden.

  • Phase 2 called for a bronze panel listing of the people of Guam who suffered the atrocities of the occupation, as well as the names of the American servicemen who were killed in Guam during the war.

  • In a collaborative effort between Governor Carl T.C. Gutierrez and Delegate Robert A. Underwood, this phase began with the compilation of the Guamanian names from existing lists. The list was then presented to the people of Guam for verification in the form of an insert in the Pacific Daily News on May 30, 1995. Other forms of outreach were pursued, including providing the Chamorro clubs in the mainland with copies of the May 30th newspaper insert for distribution to their members and other interested persons.

  • The initial list was updated and reprinted in the Pacific Daily News twice again. The final list of names was then submitted to the National Park Service in the latter part of 1995. The list of American servicemen was compiled by the National Park Service.

  • On July 22, 1996, a formal ceremony will be held for the unveiling of the names on the War in the Pacific Memorial Wall.
