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loggers peeling logs
Peeling logs, circa 1900. Today the redwood logs are peeled by caterpillar and growser, barked at the mill, or by the old method. Redwoods must be barked before being sawed. Richard A. Childs Collection.

steam donkey
Dolbeer Spool Donkey, Fort Dick Area, shows engineer tending the spool, circa 1895. Richard A. Childs Collection.

steam donkey
A Dolbeer Spool Donkey, with Bull Donkey in the background, Fort Dick area, circa 1900. The Bull Donkey was used in Del Norte County until the 1920s, and the Dolbeer Spool Donkey by Hobbs, Wall loggers until 1939. Richard A. Childs Collection.

Type of Car by Hobbs, Wall in the Fort Dick area before 1910. This car was known as a "disconnected truck." After 1910 Hobbs-Wall used "Bobby" and "Kimble" cars. Richard A. Childs Collection.

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Last Updated: 15-Jan-2004