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railroad trestle
Trestle on Del Norte & Southern Railroad. This trestle was on the Seven Percent Grade. Note the stumps used for pilings. If the trestles were built of redwoods the timbers were salvaged and sawed into lumber when the railroad was abandoned. If spruce were used in the construction, the timbers were not salvaged. Richard A. Childs Collection.

railroad trestle
Trestle on Del Norte & Southern Railroad. This trestle was on the Seven Percent Grade. Note the slash in the background, circa 1915. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

Locomotive "R. V. Hume," near mouth of Smith River. This locomotive was built by Globe-Iron Works, and was purchased by Hobb Wall in 1906 and used by that Company until 1925. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

Hobbs, Wall Camp
Hobbs, Wall Camp No. 10, from Howland Hill, circa 1915. Note camp and right-of-way of Del Norte & Southern Railroad. Richard A. Childs Collection.

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Last Updated: 15-Jan-2004