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B. Oak Bottom in Shasta County Records and Publications

Court of Sessions, Shasta County, February 1851-February 1858, p. 26:

August 8, 1851

Reed & Co. at Oak Bottom as a place of election for Fortunate Township

Record Book A, p. 31:

September 8, 1851

Mortgage: . . . that I John Howell in consideration of $2800 to me . . . paid . . . by Josiah Roop . . . sold & conveyed . . . that tract of land situated on Clear Creek in Shasta County . . . known and designated as "Oak Bottom" lying on the road from the town of Shasta, together with all the Improvements, buildings, cooking stove all the tables counters and shelves and fixtures of said Oak Bottom house, also all plates and dishes and everything pertaining to the table and bar furniture together with the potatoes now growing in said Bottom . . . also two thousand dollars worth of goods that may be in the store at any time, or in or about said Bottom Establishment, together with all the heridements and every thing belonging to Oak Bottom Establishment*

*Judge Ross, in his report "Whiskeytown," NPS, DSC p. 6, claimed that John Howell started the Oak Bottom Hotel in 1850, giving the location its name, but that the building shortly thereafter burned to the ground. This writer found no documentation for this statement.

Court of Sessions, Shasta County, Feb. 1851-Feb. 1858, p. 70, Road Districts:

February 16, 1852

No. 9 From 1/4 mile Northwest of the Town of Shasta to the Oak Bottom House.

No. 10 From Oak bottom House to the Upper Crossing of Clear Creek

Record Book B, pp. 100-101:

May 6, 1852

A Plat and Field notes of a survey made at Oak Bottom on the north side Clear Creek about eight miles North West of Shasta City . . . containing 160 acres . . . the same for farming and ranching purposes . . . Franklin Vandeventer.

Court of Sessions, Feb. 1851-Feb. 1858, p. 99:

September 15, 1852

Receiving locations for State and County Tax, 1852

Oak Bottom

Shasta Courier, January 12, 1856, p. 4:


The undersigned, Being desirous of withdrawing from the Hotel business, would announce that he is willing to dispose of the old Hotel stand, known as the
      Oak Bottom Ranch
situated on the road leading from Shasta to Weaverville and Yreka, and about 8 miles distant from Shasta, on fair conditions, if applied to be the first of March next. This property is so well known—being the first Ranch established in the county North of Shasta—that I deem it unnecessary to describe it. I will say, however, that the house is now in possession of a very profitable run of custom.

Frank Vandeventer
Oak Bottom, December 15, 1855

Record Book E, p. 358:

February 18, 1856

F. Vandeventer
A. J. Van Wie
   for $3000

. . . all that certain tract or lot of land situated at Oak Bottom in Shasta County which is held [by] . . . said Vandeventer . . . upon which the Hotel known as the "Oak Bottom" house stands.

Shasta Courier, January 2, 1858, p. 1

On Weaverville and Yreka Trail
This well known house, located on the French Gulch Road, about eight miles from Shasta, is every way prepared to accomodate the public. OUR TABLE is always supplied with all manner of fresh meats that the market affords, and every variety of vegetables from the garden attached—while at the
the thirsty, weary, panting wayfarer may constantly obtain a good article of all such envigorating LIQUORS as do tickle and please the appetite—and the smoker, a choice CIGAR. There is also a good CORRAL belonging to the HOUSE, Which is always furnished with an abundance of hay and barley.

George P. McGuire
Oak Bottom, May 29, 1857

Deed Book 3, p. 45.

May 1, 1868

Aaron W. Van Wie
Qui Chin and 19
other Chinamen
for $5,100

. . . All that certain piece or parcel of property . . . commencing at a point on the Clear Creek ditch North Easterly from the Oak Bottom Hotel. Said point being Twelve feet north of a pine tree with three notches . . . running in a South Easterly direction 585 steps to a buckeye bush . . . said bush being 6 feet north of the toll road as located July 22, 1867 and six feet south of the old County road, thence running west 160 steps to a Willow tree standing on the Bar marked with 3 notches on the North side continueing west 110 steps to a forked willow tree standing at the waters edge . continuing west along the waters edge 52 steps to a scrub willow . . . continuing north of west up to and along the South Fence of the Orchard South of the Toll road to the West corner of the South Orchard fence and within 8 steps of a Pine Tree five inches in diameter . . . thence North West 248 steps to Clear Creek ditch and an Alder Tree Standing on said ditch marked with three notches . . . thence running along and on said Clear Creek Ditch to the place of Beginning . . . to include the property deeded by John S. Follansbee Sheriff to A. W. Van Wie and known as the Oak Bottom property and also certain mining claims taken up by said A. W. Van Wie below the Old Corrall together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances, of the House known as the Oak Bottom House, Barns, out houses, sheds, fences, orchards of Trees Vines &c also one Short ditch about 300 yards long (With no water right) immediately on the hill above the south orchard and originally used to convey water out of Boulder Creek across Clear Creek. Also one Small Bar Room Store.[?]

Deed Book 5, p. 31:

June 22, 1872

Qui Chin & Others
Dennis Desmond
   for $300

. . . certain lot or piece or parcel of land . . . Situated on the Toll Road leading from Shasta to the Tower House, and commonly known as the Oak Bottom place consisting of the House known as the Oak Bottom House, and the Garden connected there with, with the fencing on and around the same. . . . include, all the property heretofore sold and Deed by Aaron Van Wie . . . (save and except certain mining Claims situated in the Bed of Clear Creek, and also occupying a space of 20 feet on the east side of the said creek.)

Directory of Shasta County 1881, p. 52:

D. Desmond

Seven Miles North of Shasta, Shasta County, California a Large Corral and Stable Attached

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Last Updated: 11-Dec-2009