Determinations of Temporary Closures Archive

This page provides information about temporary closures that are no longer in effect. Visit the Current Temporary Closures section on the Laws & Policies page for information about current temporary closures.

Temporary Closure of Palomarin Road - Wednesday, May 15, 2024, through Friday, June 14, 2024
The Palomarin Road and Mesa Road northwest of the Commonweal Gate was closed from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays (Monday through Friday) from Wednesday, May 15, 2024, through Friday, June 14, 2024. Restricted access to this area was required to fix a road failure that occurred in 2023 along the Palomarin Road. Outside of construction hours, road passage was limited to one lane of two-way travel. Vehicles trying to leave the closure area from the Palomarin trailhead were allowed to, but may have experience delays of up to 30 minutes. Pedestrian access was discouraged.
Determination of Temporary Closure - May 15, 2024, until June 16, 2024 - signed on May 13, 2024 (134 KB PDF)

Temporary Dog Closure on the Point Reyes Beach - Friday, May 10, 2024, through Monday, September 2, 2024 June 6, 2024
A temporary closure of the Point Reyes Beach from 0.25 miles south of the North Beach parking lot to 0.25 miles north of the South Beach parking lot was in effect to pets and visitors with pets to facilitate the survival of multiple federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and hatchlings in this pet closure area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - May 10, 2024, through June 6, 2024 - signed on May 9, 2024 (134 KB PDF)
Map of the temporary closure to pets on the Point Reyes Beach - May 10, 2024, through June 6, 2024 (887 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Fire Ban Temporary Closure - January 2, 2024, until May 9, 2024
Drakes Beach was closed to beach fires from January 2, 2024, until May 9, 2024. This emergency prohibition of beach fires was designed to minimize the possibility of human and elephant seal interactions on Drakes Beach. Elephant seals had started hauling out on this beach and were expected to be on the beach until March or April.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 2, 2024, until further notice - signed on January 2, 2024 (126 KB PDF)

Temporary Pet Restrictions on the Point Reyes Beach - Friday, April 12, 2024, through Monday, September 2, 2024 Thursday, May 9, 2024
A temporary closure of the Point Reyes Beach between 0.5 miles south of the North Beach parking lot and 0.5 miles north of the South Beach parking lot was in effect to pets and visitors with pets to facilitate the survival of multiple federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and hatchlings in this pet closure area. This closure was replaced on May 10, 2024, by a new temporary closure which increased the size of the closed area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - April 12, 2024, through September 2, 2024 May 10, 2024 - signed on April 10, 2024 (134 KB PDF)
Map of the temporary closure to pets on the Point Reyes Beach - April 12, 2024, through September 2, 2024 May 10, 2024 (938 KB PDF)

Temporary Closure of Sky Trail between Baldy and Coast Trails to All Visitors - April 17, 2024
A temporary closure of the Sky Trail from the Baldy Trail to the Coast Trail was in effect from approximately 9 am to 3 pm on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, for visitor safety during restoration work, which included herbicide application.
Determination of Temporary Trail Closure - April 17, 2024 - signed on April 11, 2024 (129 KB PDF)
Map of the Temporary Trail Closure - April 17, 2024 (1,734 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Road Temporary Closure - January 22, 2024, through March 31, 2024
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach Road and Parking lot was in effect from January 22, 2024, through March 31, 2024. Drakes Beach Road was closed to all public access from its intersection with Sir Francis Drake to its terminus at the parking lot from 4 pm until 10 am daily. This temporary closure was designed to minimize the possibility of unsafe interactions between humans and elephant seals on Drakes Beach. The road remained closed when no staff or NPS volunteers were onsite to ensure the safety of visitors and seals.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 22, 2024, until further notice - signed on January 22, 2024 (184 KB PDF)

Temporary Pet Restrictions on the Point Reyes Beach - Thursday, April 27, 2023, through Monday, September 4, 2023
A temporary closure of the Point Reyes Beach between 0.5 miles south of the North Beach parking lot and 0.5 miles north of the South Beach parking lot was in effect to pets and visitors with pets to facilitate the survival of multiple federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and hatchlings in this pet closure area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - April 27, 2023, through September 4, 2023 - signed on April 27, 2023 (36 KB PDF)
Map of the temporary closure to pets on the Point Reyes Beach - April 27, 2023, through September 4, 2023 (951 KB PDF)

Point Reyes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - April 20, 2023, until September 3, 2023
Until further notice, the Point Reyes Beach area marked by fencing from ¼ mile north of the North Beach parking lot to approximately 1.5 miles south of Abbotts Lagoon was closed to all public use to better ensure the survival of federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and chicks within this area during the busy summer season.
Determination of Temporary Closure - April 20, 2023, until September 3, 2023 - signed on April 20, 2023 (56 KB PDF)
Map of the temporary closure to all public use on the Point Reyes Beach - April 20, 2023, through September 3, 2023 (9,080 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - April 21, 2023, until June 12, 2023
Drakes Beach was closed to all entry from ~0.5 miles west (i.e., to the right when facing Drakes Bay) of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center to the year-round elephant seal closure area at the west end of Drakes Beach. Poles and ropes with "Beach Closed" signs were erected at the eastern end of the closed area, i.e., the end closest to the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of unsafe interactions between humans and elephant seals on Drakes Beach.
Map of Drakes Beach Temporary Closure (1,488 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - April 8, 2023, until April 20, 2023
Drakes Beach was closed to public access, except for the cove directly in front of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center. This cove was closed daily from 4 pm to 10 am. The cove could be closed at any time if elephant seals return to this beach or if staff/docents are unavailable to be onsite. Drakes Beach Road and parking lot was closed during the hours that the cove in front of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center was closed. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of unsafe interactions between humans and elephant seals on Drakes Beach. More than 300 elephant seals were in this area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - April 8, 2023, until further notice - signed on April 6, 2023 (28 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - March 31, 2023, until April 8, 2023
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach from the beach area directly in front of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center to the permanent closure at the west end of Drakes Beach was in effect from March 31, 2023, until April 8, 2023. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of unsafe interactions between humans and elephant seals on Drakes Beach. More than 300 elephant seals were in this area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - March 31, 2023, until further notice - signed on March 31, 2023 (132 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Road and Parking Lot Temporary Beach Closure - January 23, 2023, until April 8, 2023
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach Road, Drakes Beach Parking Lot, and Drakes Beach from the beach area directly in front of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center to where it reaches the seasonal closure west of the main beach area at the cove's edge was in effect from January 23, 2023, until April 8, 2023. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of unsafe interactions between humans and elephant seals on Drakes Beach. Recent high surf events and extreme storms had brought approximately 70 seals to the beach (including adult females with pups), making the beach unsafe. The road remained closed from 4 pm to 9 am daily, but was open from 9 am to 4 pm when staff or NPS volunteers were onsite to ensure the safety of visitors and seals.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 23, 2023, until further notice - signed on January 23, 2023 (132 KB PDF)

Temporary Closure of Kule Loklo - Thursday, May 13, 2021, until Friday, September 16, 2022
Kule Loklo and Kule Loklo Trail from the trailhead at Bear Valley Parking Lot to the village area and extending to its intersection with the Horse Trail was closed to all visitors, contractors, and employees who were not working on hazard tree mitigation. Several highly hazardous trees had been identified and were pending mitigation. The area was closed for public safety.
Determination of Temporary Closure - May 13, 2021, until further notice - signed on May 17, 2021 (27 KB PDF)
Map of the Bear Valley area indicating the area and trails around Kule Loklo that are closed due to hazard trees. (535 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Closure - April 29, 2022, until June 22, 2022
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach starting 0.5 mile (0.8 km) southwest of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center and continuing southwest to the permanent year-round closure at the southern end of the beach was in effect from April 29, 2022, until June 22, 2022. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of unsafe interactions between humans and elephant seals on Drakes Beach. More than 800 elephant seals had moved into the area making it difficult for visitors to get around them safely. There was also risk that people can become trapped by the incoming tide and seals moving around the area. All public use was prohibited.
Determination of Temporary Closure - April 29, 2022, until further notice - signed on April 27, 2022 (156 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Closure (1,487 KB PDF)

Peter Behr Overlook Trail Temporary Closure - January 13, 2022, until June 22, 2022
A temporary closure of the Peter Behr Overlook Trail and Peter Behr Overlook at Drakes Beach was in effect from January 13, 2022, until June 22, 2022. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of unsafe interactions between humans and elephant seals on Drakes Beach. The Peter Behr Overlook Trail is often used as a means to access the western section of Drakes Beach, which is closed from December 15 through March 31 during the elephant seal pupping season. All public use was prohibited.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 13, 2022, until further notice - signed on January 13, 2022 (88 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - March 11, 2022, through March 31, 2022
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach from the beach area directly in front of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center to where it reaches the seasonal closure west of the main beach area at the cove's edge was in effect for much of March 2022. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of unsafe interactions between humans and elephant seals on Drakes Beach. A large number of elephant seal weanlings (more than 50) and 5 subadult and adult male elephant seals had moved into the area making it difficult for visitors to get around them safely. All public use was prohibited.
Determination of Temporary Closure - March 11, 2022, until further notice - signed on March 11, 2022 (217 KB PDF)

North Beach Access Road and Parking Lot Temporary Closure - March 1, 2022, until March 9, 2022
A temporary closure of this area was in effect March 1, 2022, until March 9, 2022, to all visitors, contractors, and employees not associated with the salvage removal of a fishing vessel that was aground on Kehoe Beach. A salvage operation was underway that utilized motorized vehicles and involved numerous personnel to remove this large vessel. The area was congested with people and machinery. North Beach Parking Lot was the staging area for this machinery and provided access to machinery via the beach.
Determination of Temporary Closure - March 1, 2022, until further notice - signed on March 1, 2022 (112 KB PDF)

Kehoe Beach and Kehoe Beach Trail Temporary Closure - February 26, 2022, until March 5, 2022
A temporary closure of this area was in effect from February 26, 2022, until March 5, 2022, to all visitors, contractors, and employees not associated with the salvage removal of a fishing vessel that was aground on Kehoe Beach. The vessel was not stabilized and presented a risk to beachgoers. A salvage operation was underway that utilized motorized vehicles and involved numerous personnel to remove fuel and other hazardous pollutants on board. The area was congested with people and machinery.
Determination of Temporary Closure - February 26, 2022, until further notice - signed on February 26, 2022 (126 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - January 5, 2022, until January 7, 2022
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach from the beach area directly in front of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center to where it reaches the seasonal closure west of the main beach area at the cove's edge was in effect. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of unsafe interactions between humans and elephant seals on Drakes Beach. Recent extreme high tides had brought approximately 17 large male seals to the beach, making the beach unsafe. By January 7, 2022, only seven seals remained and the closure was lifted.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 5, 2022, until further notice - signed on January 5, 2022 (144 KB PDF)

Temporary Closure of Drakes Beach Road - Monday, May 3, 2021, through September 3, 2021
Drakes Beach Road south of its intersection with Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and the Drakes Beach parking lot were closed to all visitors, contractors, and employees not associated with the current construction project. This closure was due to construction as part of the Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Federal Highways project. A complete closure of the area was the only way to ensure that visitors remained safe from heavy machinery and other construction site dangers.
Determination of Temporary Closure - May 3, 2021, until further notice - signed on May 17, 2021 (28 KB PDF)

Temporary Closure of Kelham Beach - Thursday, July 1, 2021, until further notice Friday, July 16, 2021
Kelham Beach, the Kelham Beach Trail, and the Coast Trail from its intersection with Bear Valley Trail north to Coast Campground were closed from Thursday, July 1, 2021, until Friday, July 16, 2021. This closure was due to a fishing vessel that came aground on Kelham Beach. The vessel was unstable and presented a risk to beachgoers. A salvage operation was begun which required motorized vehicles on the Coast Trail and numerous personnel to remove fuel and other hazardous pollutants on board. The area was congested with personnel and machinery engaged in the salvage operation. The salvage operation ended on July 16, 2021, and this closure was lifted.
Determination of Temporary Closure - July 1, 2021, until further notice July 16, 2021 - signed on July 1, 2021 (28 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach and Peter Behr Overlook Temporary Beach Closure - Monday, February 1, 2021, until Thursday, April 15, 2021 Wednesday, March 31, 2021
On February 1, 2021, a temporary closure took effect for Drakes Beach from the beach area directly in front of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center west to where it reaches the year-round closure of the elephant seal colony. The Peter Behr trail and overlook was also closed. These emergency closures were designed to minimize the possibility of human and elephant seal interactions on Drakes Beach. High surf events and extreme high tides had brought brought 20 males, 19 females, and, six pups to Drakes Beach by February 1, 2021, making it unsafe for visitors to walk from the parking lot down to the beach. All public access to the beach was prohibited. By March 20, 2021, few seals remained on the beach adjacent to the visitor center, so the closure of the beach to the east of the visitor center was lifted. The temporary closure of Peter Behr trail and overlook was lifted April 1, 2021.
Determination of Temporary Closure - February 1, 2021, until April 15, 2021 - signed on February 1, 2021 (112 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Road Closure - January 19, 2021, until Saturday, March 20, 2021
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach Road south of its junction with Sir Francis Drake Boulevard ws in effect to all visitor use, including pedestrians and bicycles. The road was closed daily between 5 pm and 9 am, and remain closed all day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of human and elephant seal interactions on Drakes Beach. Recent high surf events and extreme high tides have brought approximately one dozen large male seals to the beach, making the beach unsafe. This closure was consistent with the park's Drakes Beach operations plan for winter season 2021. The closure was lifted on Saturday, March 20, 2021
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 19, 2021, until further notice - signed on January 20, 2021 (52 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - Thursday, January 14, 2021, until February 1, 2021
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach is in effect from the beach area directly in front of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center to where it reaches the seasonal closure west of the main beach area at the coves edge. This emergency closure is designed to minimize the possibility of human and elephant seal interactions on Drakes Beach. Recent high surf events and extreme high tides have brought approximately one dozen large male seals to the beach, making it unsafe for visitors to walk from the parking lot down to the beach. All public access to the beach is prohibited. This temporary order was superseded by a temporary order issued on February 1, 2021.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 14, 2021, until further notice - signed on January 13, 2021 (112 KB PDF)

Temporary Closure of Sir Francis Drake Boulevard southwest of its junction with Drakes Beach Road - Monday, June 22, 2020, until Friday, January 15, 2021
A temporary closure of Sir Francis Drake Boulevard southwest of its junction with Drakes Beach Road was in effect to all visitor use. Chimney Rock Road was also closed to all visitor use. It was not safe to allow public access in any form on these roads due to construction activity. The closure was lifted on Saturday, January 16, 2021.
Determination of Temporary Closure - June 22, 2020, through January 16, 2021 - signed on June 22, 2020 (121 KB PDF)
Map indicating the section of Sir Francis Drake Boulevard that was closed. (1,104 KB PDF)

Temporary Prohibition of All Wood and Charcoal Fires - Tuesday, September 22, 2020, through Thursday, December 3, 2020
The elevated fire danger indices during the fall of 2020, combined with a lack of firefighting resources (both locally and nationwide), necessitated a conservative fire prevention strategy. The National Multi-Agency Coordinating Group had established that California was in Preparedness Level 5, indicating that agencies needed to take emergency measures to sustain incident operations and prevent further incidents. Therefore, beginning on September 22, 2020, all of Point Reyes National Seashore—in addition to Golden Gate National Recreation Area lands administered by Point Reyes National Seashore—were closed to all fires, except for self-contained gas stoves. Self-contained gas stoves were allowed at open picnic areas, Wildcat Campground, and open beaches. The ban was lifted on Thursday, December 3, 2020.
Determination of Temporary Closure - September 22, 2020, until further notice - signed on September 22, 2020 (112 KB PDF)

Temporary Closure of Trails within the Woodward Fire Zone - Friday, October 23, 2020, until Thursday, October 7, 2021
All trails north of the Stewart Trail to Limantour Road and west of Shoreline Highway are closed to all access until further notice, except for emergency personnel and residents living within the closed areas. The Woodward Fire is within the closure area. The fire is currently almost 5,000 acres and while it is fully contained, there is active fire within the fire footprint. Many trails and park areas now have hazardous snags and rolling logs and rocks and fire personnel are working to mitigate these hazards. The Stewart Trail is open to Wildcat Campground and Wildcat campground is open. The Point Reyes Horse Camp is open. The Limantour Road is open. The Bear Valley complex (parking areas, restrooms, modified Visitor Center access) is open; however, many of the trails (such as Bear Valley Trail and Woodpecker Trail), the Morgan Horse Ranch and Trail, and Kule Loklo remain closed. As the fire was contained and extinguished and as repairs to trails were completed, trails were reopened over time. All Woodward Fire-related trail closures had been lifted by Thursday, October 7, 2021.
Determination of Temporary Closure - October 23, 2020, until further notice - signed on October 23, 2020 (113 KB PDF)
Map indicating the areas and trails closed until further notice, as of October 23, 2020, due to the Woodward Fire. (3,620 KB PDF)
Map indicating the areas and trails closed until further notice due to the Woodward Fire. Updated September 1, 2021. (4,232 KB PDF)

Temporary Closure of Trails within the Woodward Fire Zone - Friday, October 9, 2020, until Friday, October 23, 2020
All trails north of the Stewart Trail to Limantour Road and west of Shoreline Highway are closed to all access until further notice, except for emergency personnel and residents living within the closed areas. The Woodward Fire is within the closure area. The fire is nearly 5,000 acres and while it is fully contained, there is active fire within the fire footprint. Many trails and park areas now have hazardous snags and rolling logs and rocks and fire personnel are working to mitigate these hazards. The Stewart Trail is open to Wildcat Campground and Wildcat campground is open. The Point Reyes Horse Camp is open. The Limantour Road is open. The Bear Valley complex remains closed. (This temporary closure was modified on Friday, October 23, 2020, to reopen parts of the Bear Valley Visitor Center area and the Rift Zone Trail.)
Determination of Temporary Closure - October 9, 2020, until October 23, 2020 - signed on October 9, 2020 (113 KB PDF)
Map indicating the areas and trails that were closed from October 9, 2020, until October 23, 2020, to the Woodward Fire. (4,469 KB PDF)

Temporary Pet Restrictions on the Point Reyes Beach - Saturday, April 11, 2020, through Wednesday, September 30, 2020
A temporary closure of the Point Reyes Beach between 0.25 miles south of the North Beach parking lot and 0.25 miles north of the South Beach parking lot is in effect to pets and visitors with pets to facilitate the survival of multiple federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and hatchlings in this pet closure area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - April 11, 2020, through September 30, 2020 - signed on April 8, 2020 (24 KB PDF)
Map of the temporary closure to pets on the Point Reyes Beach - April 11, 2020, through September 30, 2020 (833 KB PDF)

Temporary Road Closure of Pierce Point Road north of the L Ranch Road junction - April 10, 2020 through May 31, 2020
Pierce Point Road from its junction at the intersection with L Ranch Road to its terminus at Pierce Point Ranch was closed to all traffic, including cyclists and pedestrians.
Administrative Order - issued on April 10, 2020 (24 KB PDF)

McClures Beach Trailhead Access Road Closure - March 4, 2019, until Tuesday, January 28, 2020
A temporary closure of the McClures Beach Trailhead Access Road starting at the Pierce Point parking lot was in effect to all vehicular traffic due to a portion of the road washing out and collapsing during a series of storms in February 2019. The road was impassable. The closure was lifted on Tuesday, January 28, 2020.
Determination of Temporary Closure - March 4, 2019, until further notice - signed on March 4, 2019 (59 KB PDF)

Mount Vision Road Closure - November 26, 2019, until Tuesday, January 28, 2020
A temporary closure of the Mount Vision Road between its junction with Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and its junction with the Pine Ridge/Gunn Road was in effect to all public entry during the reconstruction of a portion of the road that washed out and collapsed during a series of storms in February 2019, rendering the road impassable. This closure provided for visitor safety by closing an area that is narrow and steep and in which heavy machinery was working and which had torn up substrate that could not safely accommodate visitors walking or biking through the construction zone. This Determination of Temporary Closure updated the June 11, 2019 closure of Mt. Vision Road to all vehicular traffic. The closure was lifted on Tuesday, January 28, 2020.
Determination of Temporary Closure - November 26, 2019, until further notice - signed on November 26, 2019 (170 KB PDF)

Mount Vision Road Closure - March 4, 2019, until November 26, 2019
A temporary closure of the Mount Vision Road starting at the junction with Sir Francis Drake Boulevard was in effect to all vehicular traffic due to a portion of the road washing out and collapsing during a series of storms in February, rendering the road impassable. This closure was modified on November 26, 2019.
Determination of Temporary Closure - March 4, 2019, until November 26, 2019 - signed on March 4, 2019 (60 KB PDF)

Point Reyes Lighthouse Area Closure - Monday, August 6, 2018, until Tuesday, December 31, 2019 Friday, November 8, 2019
The restroom, visitor center, observation deck, pathway, stairs, and lighthouse at Point Reyes Lighthouse (i.e., all areas west of the visitors' parking lot) were closed to all public use from Monday, August 6, 2018, through Thursday, November 7, 2019. This closure was necessary to provide for visitor safety by closing an area that is very narrow and steep and that had machinery working, torn up substrates, and heavy equipment that could not accommodate visitors walking through the area. Once significant restoration work was completed, the temporary closure was rescinded, and the lighthouse area reopened on Friday, November 8, 2019.
Determination of Temporary Closure - extended from Tuesday, October 1, 2019, until Tuesday, December 31, 2019 - signed on August 29, 2019 (194 KB PDF)
Map of the temporary closure in the Point Reyes Lighthouse Area - Monday, August 6, 2018, until Tuesday, December 31, 2019 (318 KB PDF)

The Determination of Temporary Closure signed on August 29, 2019, extended the following temporary closures:

Temporary Pet Restrictions on the Point Reyes Beach - Friday, June 7, 2019 through Wednesday, September 30, 2019
A temporary closure of the Point Reyes Beach between 0.5 mile south of the North Beach parking lot and 0.75 mile north of the South Beach parking lot was in effect to pets and visitors with pets to facilitate the survival of multiple federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and hatchlings in this pet closure area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - June 7, 2019, through September 30, 2019 - signed on June 5, 2019 (51 KB PDF)
Map of the temporary closure to pets on the Point Reyes Beach - June 7, 2019, through September 30, 2019 (837 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach and Drakes Beach Road Closure - May 21, 2019, through May 24, 2019
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach and the Drakes Beach Road south of its junction with Sir Francis Drake Boulevard was in effect to all public entry. Recent storms with high tides unexpectedly brought approximately 200 elephant seals to Drakes Beach, making it unsafe to walk from the parking lot to the beach. This emergency closure was designed to minimize the possibility of human and elephant seal interactions on Drakes Beach.
Determination of Temporary Closure - May 21, 2019, until further notice - signed on May 21, 2019 (86 KB PDF)

McClures Beach Trailhead Access Road, Parking Area, and Trail Closure - March 25, 2019, until April 15, 2019
A temporary closure of the McClures Beach Trailhead Access Road starting at the Pierce Point parking lot, the McClures Beach parking lot, and the McClures Beach Trail was in effect from March 25, 2019, until April 15, 2019. For the duration of the closure, McClures Beach Road and Parking area was closed to all vehicular traffic. McClures Beach Trail was closed to all visitor use. The road and parking area had become inaccessible due to a large sinkhole that formed and destroyed a large section of the roadway. The road was impassable. McClures Beach trail was blocked by several landslides making passage to the beach hazardous. The closure of the trail was for public safety and to prevent further damage to the area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - March 25, 2019, until further notice - signed on March 25, 2019 (246 KB PDF)

North District Operations Center Access Road Closure - March 4, 2019, until April 15, 2019
A temporary closure of the North District Operations Center (NDOC) Access Road (aka the Cypress Tree Tunnel Road) was in effect to all non-administrative traffic. Winter sorms had left the ground very saturated and off-road travel had become a continual problem and had caused substantial damage. The access road was closed until the ground dried out to prevent further damage.
Determination of Temporary Closure - March 4, 2019, until further notice - signed on March 4, 2019 (59 KB PDF)

Limantour Beach Closure - Friday, April 20, 2018, through Monday, September 3, 2018
A closure of the beach area marked by fencing between the north and south parking lots at Limantour Beach was in effect from Friday, April 20, 2018, through Monday, September 3, 2018, to better ensure the survival of federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and chicks within this area. All public use was prohibited. Western snowy plovers, a federally-threatened species, have chosen an area of Limantour Beach between the two parking lots for nesting. As of Thursday, April 19, 2018, one nest had been established there. In 2017, five nests occurred in the same area. Public visitation at Limantour Beach reached an all-time high in 2017. Park staff witnessed multiple occasions in which people and dogs disturbed the nesting plovers despite ample signage and other protection measures. Disturbance by park visitors in plover breeding areas prevents plovers from incubating their eggs, can separate chicks from the adults, and the chicks may then not be able to forage efficiently, thermoregulate properly, and hide from predators.
Determination of Temporary Beach Closure - Friday, April 20, 2018, through Monday, September 3, 2018 - signed on April 18, 2018 (55 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Beach Closure - Friday, April 20, 2018 through Monday, September 3, 2018 (266 KB PDF)

Schooner Bay Road Closure - Monday, July 30, 2018, through Thursday, August 2, 2018
The Schooner Bay Road was closed from Monday, July 30 through Thursday, August 2, 2018. This closure was necessary to allow employees to safely perform necessary road maintenance. The road is narrow with blind corners and closing it allowed the road crew to perform this work without the possibility of being hit by vehicles.
Determination of Temporary Closure - Monday, July 30, 2018, through Thursday, August 2, 2018 - signed on July 24, 2018 (127 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - January 27 through March 15, 2018
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach starting at the southern edge of the cove in front of the Ken Patrick Visitor Center and continuing south to the current permanent elephant seal closure was in effect to better protect elephant seals from disturbance during the pupping season when they are exceptionally vulnerable. All public use was prohibited.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 27, 2018, through March 15, 2018 - signed on January 25, 2018 (73 KB PDF)
Map of Drakes Beach Temporary Closure (119 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - January 13 through March 15, 2018 January 26, 2018
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach starting approximately ½ mile southwest of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center and continuing south to the current permanent elephant seal closure is in effect to better protect elephant seals from disturbance during the pupping season when they are exceptionally vulnerable. All public use is prohibited. On January 27, the temporary closure was extended to include the entire section of Drakes Beach south of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 13, 2018, through March 15, 2018 - signed on January 11, 2018 (72 KB PDF)
Map of Drakes Beach Temporary Closure (167 KB PDF)

Limantour Beach Temporary Beach Closure - Saturday, June 24, 2017, through Monday, September 4, 2017
A temporary closure of the beach area marked by fencing between the north and south parking lots at Limantour Beach was in effect from Saturday, June 24, 2017, through Monday, September 4, 2017, to better ensure the survival of federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and chicks within this area. All public use was prohibited. Western snowy plovers, a federally-threatened species, had chosen an area of Limantour Beach between the two parking lots for nesting and four nests had been established there. Public visitation at Limantour Beach reached an all-time high in 2017. Park staff witnessed multiple occasions in which people and dogs disturbed the nesting plovers despite ample signage and other protection measures. Disturbance by park visitors in plover breeding areas prevents plovers from incubating their eggs, can separate chicks from the adults, and the chicks may then not be able to forage efficiently, thermoregulate properly, and hide from predators.
Determination of Temporary Beach Closure - Saturday, June 24 through Monday, September 4, 2017 - signed on June 22, 2017 (35 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Closure - Saturday, June 24 through Monday, September 4, 2017 (268 KB PDF)

Drakes Estero Access Road Closure - March 10, 2017 until May 18, 2017, on which date Drakes Estero restoration activities were completed
To ensure public safety during the operation of heavy equipment associated with the restoration of Drakes Estero, the Drakes Estero access road and parking area was closed all day every day of the week until the Drakes Estero restoration activities were completed. All public entry and use was prohibited.
Determination of Temporary Closure - March 10, 2017 (34 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Closure - March 10, 2017 (525 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - January 18 through March 15, 2017
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach starting approximately ¼ mile southwest of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center and continuing south to the current permanent elephant seal closure was in effect to better protect elephant seals from disturbance during the pupping season when they are exceptionally vulnerable. All public use was prohibited.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 18 through March 15, 2017 - signed on January 17, 2017 (53 KB PDF)
Map of Drakes Beach Temporary Closure (103 KB PDF)

Chimney Rock Fish Dock Area Temporary Closure - January 18 through March 15, 2017
A temporary closure of the road leading from the gate at the end of the Chimney Rock Road to the Fish Dock area, including immediately adjacent beaches, was in effect through Wednesday, March 15, 2017, or as long as there were nursing elephant seal pups in the Fish Dock area. This closure was in effect to better protect elephant seals from disturbance during the pupping season when they are exceptionally vulnerable. All public use was prohibited.
Determination of Temporary Closure - January 18 through March 15, 2017 - signed on January 17, 2017 (84 KB PDF)
Map of Chimney Rock Fish Dock Area Temporary Closure (322 KB PDF)

Drakes Estero and Access Road Closure - August 10, 2016 through December 30, 2016 February 28, 2017
To ensure public safety and efficient operations, Drakes Estero and its access road were temporarily closed on weekdays and Saturdays in January and February, except on Saturday, January 14 and Saturday, February 18. Additionally, the Estero was closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday, January 16. Water access to the estero remained open on Sundays and other holidays, when no work was under way. Unforeseen conditions occasionally necessitated closure of Drakes Estero and the Drakes Estero access road on additional days.
Determination of Temporary Closure - December 28, 2016 (115 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Closure - December 28, 2016 (354 KB PDF)
The above Determination extends the original closure:
Determination of Temporary Closure - August 2, 2016 (115 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Closure - August 2, 2016 (282 KB PDF)

Woodpecker Trail Closure - From July 14, 2015, until May 9, 2016
A temporary closure of the Woodpecker Trail was in effect in order to complete necessary hazard tree(s) mitigation and potential trail re-route to maintain public health and safety. Due to the presence of these hazardous conditions, use of the trail by anyone was deemed unsafe until these hazards were mitigated.
Determination of Temporary Trail Closure - signed on July 14, 2015 (81 KB PDF)

Drakes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - February 4, 2016, through March 31, 2016
[Note: The closure was lifted on March 18, 2016, after a survey determined that there were no longer any nursing elephant seal pups in this area of Drakes Beach.]
A temporary closure of Drakes Beach starting approximately ¼ mile southwest of the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitor Center and continuing south to the current permanent elephant seal closure was in effect to better protect elephant seals from disturbance during the pupping season when they are exceptionally vulnerable. All public use was prohibited.
Determination of Temporary Closure - February 4 through March 31, 2016 - signed on February 3, 2016 (73 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Closure - February 4 through March 31, 2016 (96 KB PDF)

Chimney Rock Fish Dock Area Temporary Closure - December 30, 2015, through March 15, 2016
A temporary closure of the road leading from the gate at the end of the Chimney Rock Road to the Fish Dock area, including immediately adjacent beaches, was in effect through Tuesday, March 15, 2016, due to nursing elephant seal pups in the Fish Dock area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - December 30, 2015, through March 15, 2016 - signed on December 30, 2015 (59 KB PDF)
Map of Chimney Rock Fish Dock Area Temporary Closure (32` KB PDF)

McCurdy Trail Closure - Thursday October 22, 2015
The McCurdy Trail is scheduled to be closed on Thursday, October 22 due to a prescribed fire in close proximity to the trail.
Determination of Temporary Trail Closure - signed on October 19, 2015 (62 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Closure (133 KB PDF)

Point Reyes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - multiple weekends during the summer of 2015
A temporary closure of the beach area between the North Beach parking lot and the mouth of Abbotts Lagoon was in effect on numerous weekends during the summer of 2015 to better ensure the survival of federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and chicks within this area during the busy weekend. All public use was prohibited. Reproductive monitoring of western snowy plovers at Point Reyes has previously demonstrated that chick mortality is higher on weekend days than weekdays. Disturbance by park visitors in plover breeding areas can separate chicks from the adults, and the chicks may then not be able to forage efficiently, thermoregulate properly, and hide from predators. In 2013, for example, of the 11 newly hatched chicks in the proposed closure area, only 3 survived past the July 4 weekend. By late July of the 2015 breeding season, only a few chicks had survived to fledging age and additional protection measures were deemed necessary to assist in chick survival and the persistence of the Point Reyes western snowy plover population.

Point Reyes Beach Temporary Pet Restriction - June 4, 2015, through September 30, 2015 August 3, 2015
A temporary closure of the beach area between 1 mile south of the North Beach parking lot and 0.5 mile north of the South Beach parking lot was in effect to better ensure the survival of a federally-threatened western snowy plover nest that was located between North Beach parking lot and South Beach parking lot. All visitors with pets were restricted from entering the temporary no pet access area from Thursday, June 4th through Wednesday, September 30 Monday, August 3. Pet restrictions around western snowy plover breeding beaches at Point Reyes are a current practice. Pets add additional disturbance to the plovers due to the similarities pets have with natural predators. Disturbance by pets can lead to nest abandonment, nest failure, adult fatigue, decreased adult fitness, and chick fatality. Pets are normally allowed on the entire beach between North Beach parking lot and South Beach parking lot due to lack of plover nesting activity in the area since 1995, but the discovery of a nest in the spring of 2015 necessitated a temporary pet restriction action. Upon discovery of the nest, park staff decided that a reduction in pet access needed to be implemented. The eggs in the nest successfully hatched and the chicks were able to stay in the area for the first couple of days after hatching before moving north of the North Beach parking lot, after which the temporary pet restriction was lifted.
Determination of Temporary Pet Restriction - signed on June 4, 2015 (60 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Closure (272 KB PDF)

Point Reyes Beach Temporary Beach Closure - May 23, 2015, through May 25, 2015
A temporary closure of the beach area between 0.5 miles north of the North Beach parking lot and 0.35 miles south of the mouth of Abbotts Lagoon was in effect to better ensure the survival of federally-threatened western snowy plover nests and chicks within this area during the busy holiday weekend. Reproductive monitoring of western snowy plovers at Point Reyes has previously demonstrated that chick mortality is higher on weekend days than weekdays. Disturbance by park visitors in plover breeding areas can separate chicks from the adults, and the chicks may then not be able to forage efficiently, thermoregulate properly, and hide from predators. In 2013, for example, of the 11 newly hatched chicks in the proposed closure area, only 3 survived past the July 4th weekend.
Determination of Temporary Closure - signed on May 18, 2015 (75 KB PDF)
Map of Temporary Closure (201 KB PDF)

Palomarin Parking Area Temporary Closure - March 30, 2015, through April 3, 2015
A temporary closure of the parking area at the Palomarin Trailhead was required for parking area surface maintenance. Due to the presence of heavy equipment and maintenance activities, the parking area was impassable to all public vehicle and horse use during these repairs. Hikers and backpackers were allowed to access the restrooms, Coast Trail, and Mesa Road, but needed to park on the ocean side of Mesa Road south of the Palomarin Trailhead parking area. The parking area was closed from 7 am on Monday, March 30, 2015, through 5 pm on Friday, April 3, 2015.
Determination of Temporary Closure - signed on March 25, 2015 (59 KB PDF)
Map of Palomarin Parking Area Temporary Closure (180 KB PDF)

Closure of Bridge at Wildcat Campground - February 2, 2015, through February 4, 2015
The bridge on Coast Trail immediately south of Wildcat Campground was closed to all traffic from Monday, February 2, 2015, through Wednesday, February 4, 2015, for urgent repairs. The center of the bridge had become extremely worn down and the park trail crew was concerned that it had become unsafe for equestrian traffic.
Determination of Temporary Trail Closure - signed on January 30, 2015 (59 KB PDF)
Temporary Coast Trail Bridge Closure Map (428 KB PDF) Shows an alternate hiking route via Old Out Road Trail and Stewart Trail for visitors hiking or riding horses between Wildcat Campground and the Palomarin Trailhead or other locations south of Wildcat Campground.

Chimney Rock Fish Dock Area Temporary Closure - January 17, 2015, through March 15, 2015
A temporary closure of the road leading from the gate at the end of the Chimney Rock Road to the Fish Dock area, including immediately adjacent beaches, was in effect from Saturday, January 17, 2015, through Sunday, March 15, 2015, due to nursing elephant seal pups in the Fish Dock area.
Determination of Temporary Closure - signed on January 16, 2015 (83 KB PDF)
Map of Chimney Rock Fish Dock Area Temporary Closure (282 KB PDF)

Bear Valley Trail Temporary Closure - September 17, 2012, through October 5, 2012
The Bear Valley Trail from the Mount Wittenberg Trail Junction to the Meadow Trail Junction was closed to all traffic from Monday, September 17, 2012, through Friday, October 5, 2012. This temporary closure was required due to the presence and operation of heavy equipment on the Bear Valley Trail. This heavy equipment was used to install a new culvert and repair the trail. During these repairs, the trail was impassable to all public use.
Determination of Temporary Trail Closure - signed on September 10, 2012 (83 KB PDF)
Bear Valley Trail Temporary Closure Map (1,068 KB PDF)

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Last updated: June 15, 2024

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1 Bear Valley Road
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956


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