National History Day

NHD Awards 2018 ceremonies
National History Day awards ceremony, NPS photo.

Competing in the National History Day contest? Thinking about it? Great!

National Park Service employees are proud to help teachers, students, and families participate in National History Day throughout the year. We serve as judges, provide special awards, and work with affiliates across the country.

As part of our collaboration with NHD, each year the National Park Service sponsors major prizes for junior and senior divisions at the National Contest in College Park, Maryand.

With so many National Parks and Programs available, it might feel overwhelming to get started with NPS resources. NPS historians and educators brought together examples and descriptions of what the Agency offers to provide guidance.

The articles below are the most recent NPS contributions to the National History Day themebooks. Discover the teaching resources suggested for each theme.


Last updated: May 11, 2022


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