Girl Scouts Brownie Hiker adventure at Carl Sandburg Home NHS

Grade Level:
Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade

For this activity you will get to explore Carl Sandburg Home NHS while earning the Brownie “Hiker” badge. You can do this by properly preparing and learning a new skill you can apply while on your hike.


  1. Choose a hike at Carl Sandburg Home NHS.
  2. Pick a hiking skill you would like to learn and apply while exploring the park.
  3. Decide what supplies you should pack for your adventure.
  4. Pick your favorite healthy snacks to bring on your hike.
  5. Go on your hike!
STEP 1: Decide which hike you would like to attempt.
  • Take a look at the Carl Sandburg Home NHS park map and decide what trail you would like to do.
  • For those looking for an adventure we suggest the Glassy Mountain Trail, it is 1. miles from the trail head to the top of Glassy Mountain. You will have a steady 623 ft elevation gain to the top, where you will end at a beautiful rock outcropping that overlooks the local area. Those looking for a more moderate scenic hike can try the Memminger trail loop, this trail is 0.9 mile and loops around beautiful views of the park, with no more than 60ft elevation change.
*There is a .03 mile hike from the main parking lot to the trail heads with 100ft elevation change.

STEP 2: Pick a hiking skill to learn & apply.
It is important to know how to properly navigate and make safe choices during your hike. You can do that by learning a hiking skill such as the ones below.

Choices-Do One:
  • Practice your orienteering skills! Orienteering is the skill of using a map and compass to find locations. Can you trace the route you will take on the park map? Think about what you might see on the trail…trees, water, wildlife? Draw where you think they could be located on your map. Make sure to bring your map on the hike to see how close you were!
  • Troop effort! Have your troop break up into small groups. Assign one group as the “map readers,” they will give out directions and set the pace for the rest of the group. Another group will be the “nature spotters,” they will try to identify and write down as many plants and animals as they can spot. The last group will be our “trusty packers,” they will be responsible for carrying & distributing the snacks, water, and band-aids as needed. (Make sure to switch roles on the way back down the trail!)
STEP 3: Pick the right gear!
It is important to make sure you have the right equipment before attempting a hike. Learn how to properly pack your hiker backpack before your adventure.

Choices-Do one:
  • Watch a quick 5-minute video of a Carl Sandburg Home NHS Park Ranger. They will go over what essentials you should pack on your day hike to the park!
  • Invite an experienced hiker or older Girl Scout to your meeting. Ask them for advice on what you should pack for a day hike. What kind of gear do they wear? Any safety equipment you should bring?
STEP 4: Pack a snack!
You will burn a lot of energy while out exploring the park. It is important to pack food that will help keep you energized. Pick your favorite healthy treats to bring along!

Choices-Do one:
  • Brownie trail mix-Pick out your favorite ingredients or have each of your fellow scouts contribute to the mix. Try using dried fruits, berries, granola, nuts and seeds or other healthy ingredients for your treat.
  • Lunch at Carl Sandburg Home - Pack yourself a delicious and nutritious lunch to eat! Think of energy filling foods such as PB&J sandwiches, fresh fruit or maybe veggie sticks. What is your favorite lunch food? Have lunch at the picnic area in the park or amphitheater (pending availability).
  • Don’t forget to pack plenty of water!
    A good rule of thumb is to drink half a liter of water per hour. If it is a very hot & humid day you should increase that to one liter an hour.
Step 5: Go on your hike!
While on your hike complete one of these activities to make your adventure even more rewarding!

Choices-Do one:
  • Complete the Nature’s Hide & Seek track trail brochure in the park. The program is designed so kids of all ages can walk along the trail and discover common things that are often overlooked in nature. How many of them can you spot? You can find the brochure either at the brochure rack near the start of the Front Lake Trail or by downloading it here. Leaders who plan ahead can request brochures to be mailed to them in advance of their visit.
  • Learn & practice the National Park Service’s seven Leave No Trace principles. They can be found on the NPS webpage. Discuss why these are important and help to minimize our impact to our National Parks.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed earning your Brownie Hiker Badge at Carl Sandburg Home National Historical Site. Write about what you have learned from this experience.

Last updated: March 11, 2021