Girl Scouts Junior Playing the Past at Carl Sandburg Home NHS

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies

For this activity you will explore Carl Sandburg Home NHS while earning your Girl Scouts Junior “Playing the Past” badge. You can do this by learning about Lilian Sandburg and why she is important.


  1. Learn about Lilian Sandburg.
  2. Create a costume.
  3. Experience daily life.
  4. Have some old-fashioned fun.
  5. Become your character!
Step 1: Learn about who Lilian Sandburg was.
Read through the power point available as a source material at the bottom to learn about some of her accomplishments.
  • Who was she? Why is she a good role model? Discuss these questions with your fellow girl scouts.
  • Draw or describe what daily life would be like for Lilian.
Step 2: Create your character costume.
Lilian never wore pants. Instead she chose to wear light, breezy, long dresses. She would wear an apron or vest when cooking, cleaning or working outside.

Choices-Do one:
  • Arts & Crafts! Make a paper doll to represent Lilian then make her an outfit to wear that shows off her everyday style.
  • Do it yourself! Stitch together your own outfit or visit a thrift ship to find clothing to dress up in (ask an adult to help).
* Bring your paper doll or wear your own creation to the park. We would love to see your creativity!

Step 3: Experience daily life.
Visit the Carl Sandburg Home NHS to experience what daily life was like for Lilian and her family at Connemara.

Choices-Do one:
  • Home sweet home - Take a tour or virtual tour of the house where Lilian and her family lived. After touring the home, find a comfortable place to sit and sketch a drawing of the house. 
  • Footsteps - Walk in Lilian’s footsteps by visiting the goat barn to learn about how she cared for the herd. Then grab a park map and hike one of the trails that the Sandburg family used to walk.
Step 4: Have some old-fashioned fun!
What did Lilian Sandburg and her family do for fun?

Choices-Do one:
  • Flat rock singers - The Sandburg family were enthusiastic music lovers. You could often find them playing instruments or singing songs. Can you create a song about the Carl Sandburg Home NHS either by yourself or work together with your fellow scouts? Perform your new song at the park amphitheater if it is not in use.
  • Become a Rootabaga Junior Ranger - Every summer apprentice actors from the Flat Rock Playhouse perform the Rootabaga stories that Carl Sandburg created for Lilian and his daughters. Attend one of these performances and complete the activity sheet to become a Rootabaga Junior Ranger. If you are unable to attend, you may also complete it online then bring to the park next time you visit to receive a prize! 
Step 5: Become your character.
  • Share your knowledge! Wear your costume or show off your paper doll to friends, family or classmates. Share with them all the things you learned about Lilian Sandburg and Carl Sandburg Home NHS.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed earning your ‘Playing the Past” Girl Scout badge at Carl Sandburg Home National Historical Site. Write about what you have learned from this experience and why you are inspired by Lilian Sandburg.


Download this power point of Lilian Sandburg to learn more about her.

Download Lilian Sandburg Power Point

Last updated: March 10, 2021