
A person in a wheelchair riding a lift to board the shuttle

Accessibility in Zion

Park visitor centers, Human History Museum, restrooms, shuttle buses, picnic areas, and the Zion Lodge are accessible. Several campsites are reserved for people with accessibility needs, and the Pa’rus Trail and Riverside Walk offer accessible hikes. Service dogs are permitted on a leash throughout the park.

Accessibility in Zion Wilderness

In Wilderness areas, people are allowed to use wheelchairs and some other power-driven mobility devices. Nothing in the Wilderness Act prohibits wheelchair use in a Wilderness area by a person who needs one.

Accessible Ranger-Led Activities

Enhance your understanding and enjoyment of Zion National Park by participating in a ranger program.

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9 minutes, 47 seconds

Learn about wheelchair accessibility and how to plan an accessible visit to Zion National Park.


Accessibility Details

Zion Canyon Visitor Center

Located 0.2 miles from the South Entrance. Reserved parking spaces are available with accessible walkways leading to the building. Accessible unisex restroom, sales displays, water fountain, and information desk.

Zion Human History Museum

Located 1 mile from the South Entrance. Reserved parking spaces are available with a ramp leading to the building.

Kolob Canyons Visitor Center

Reserved parking spaces are available with accessible walkways leading to the building. Accessible restrooms and information.

Zion Canyon Transportation

From mid-February through late November access into Zion Canyon is by shuttle bus only (see the Shuttle System page for more information and schedules). All shuttle buses are wheelchair accessible. Use of personal vehicles is restricted to those individuals requiring additional vehicle supported medical devices, those unable to ride the shuttle for medical reasons, or when the shuttle bus cannot accommodate the individual due to weight or size restrictions. The shuttle lift has a combined weight limit of 600 lbs and cannot accommodate chairs larger than 45" long or 25" wide. A special permit for personal vehicle use up-canyon must be obtained from the visitor center or museum information desks.

Follow this link to listen to the Shuttle Narration.

Zion Lodge

The Zion Lodge is located in Zion Canyon. Access to Zion Lodge is restricted to wheelchair accessible shuttle buses from mid-February through late November. During the winter, reserved parking spaces are available with a ramp leading to the building. The snack bar, gift shop, restrooms, auditorium, and dining room are all accessible. Four hotel rooms are accessible. A wheelchair is available for loan. Contact the Zion Lodge for more information.

Picnic Areas

Visitor Center Picnic Area: Visitor Center Picnic Area: Located 0.3 miles from the South Entrance on the outer edge of the visitor center parking lot. Picnic sites are level with compacted gravel surfaces. Most tables are extended. Accessible unisex restroom is available near the visitor center.

Grotto Picnic Area: Located 3.5 miles up the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive and accessible only by shuttle bus from early March through mid-November. Reserved parking spaces are available in the off months. Picnic grounds are level with compacted gravel surfacing. Accessible, unisex bathroom.

Kolob Canyons Picnic Area: Located 2 miles up from the Kolob Visitor Center.

Watchman Campground Accessibility

Watchman Campground has seven standard accessible sites and two accessible group sites, all of which have easy access to accessible restrooms. The road access route to the Visitor Center and Shuttle Stop has grades of up to 5% for 30-foot stretches. An alternate concrete and asphalt-paved pathway adjacent to the amphitheater through the river entrance plaza has slopes of up to 18% for 5’ stretches and slopes up to 8% for 39 foot stretches with some uneven surfaces. A beach access route near site B56 allows visitors using mobility devices to get close to the Virgin River, however flooding has created a step at the end of the concrete pathway. The amphitheater has accessible seating located on the top row.

South Campground Accessibility

South Campground has three flat sites, but no accessible facilities such as restrooms or trails. Campers staying in South Campground can travel .3 miles to the Watchman Campground to utilize accessible restrooms if necessary.


Riverside Walk: The trail is 2.2 miles round trip, but due to recent trail damage and ongoing repairs, no portion of the Riverside Walk is currently considered wheelchair accessible. Slopes exceed 12% in short sections and there are gaps greater than 2” in concrete, level changes of up to 3”, and sand covering the trail for the first .4 miles. Beyond that point, short sections of the trail exceed a 20% slope, the trail varies in width from 3 to 5 feet, and sand on the trail may make the surface slippery.

Pa'rus Trail: The Pa’rus Trail is a 1.5 mile, paved, 8 to 10- foot wide multi-use trail between the Zion Canyon Visitor Center and Canyon Junction with minimal grade change. The quarter mile closest to the Visitor Center is asphalt and has cracking, but the remainder is concrete and mostly smooth and level. The most accessible route is to start at the Overflow Parking Lot behind the Zion Nature Center and access the Pa’rus Trail by following the concrete pathway through South Campground. From that point, most of the trail has between a 2% and 5% slope, but three sections of less than 30’ each have slopes up to 10%. Much of the trail is exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day although three resting plazas have shade structures. Bridge surfaces may be slippery. A side trail from the Pa'rus Trail to the Zion Museum is uneven and rocky with large log steps and tight turns.

Virtual Hikes: You can also visit Zion National Park with our Virtual Hikes

Service Animals

Service Animals must be always under the control of its handler anywhere in the park, including trails, shuttles and buildings.

Large Print Park Brochure

Zion National Park brochure with large text and images


Park elevations range from 3,666 feet (Coalpits Wash) to 8,726 feet (Horse Ranch Mountain).
Approximate elevations of common locations (in feet):
Zion Canyon Visitor Center: 4,000
Zion Lodge: 4,300
Temple of Sinawava: 4,500
East Entrance/Checkerboard Mesa Viewpoint: 5,700
Kolob Canyons Visitor Center: 5,200
Kolob Canyons Picnic Area: 6,200


Zion National Park's Self-Evaluation for Accessibility

Completed in 2016, this document analyzes the Park's facilities and programs to ensure their access to all users. It is intended to be a public document, but it is also a working guidance document for the Park.

View or download Zion National Park's Self-Evaluation for Accessibilty

View or download NPS National Laws, Regulations and Policies on Accessibility
Zion unigrid with blue sky over sandstone mountains. Audio description symbol in corner.
Audio Described Park Brochure

An audio version of the official park brochure with each section broken up into separate recordings for ease of listening.

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Zion National Park
1 Zion Park Blvd.

Springdale, UT 84767


If you have questions, please email Listen to recorded information by calling anytime 24 hours a day. Rangers answer phone calls from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT, but a ranger may not answer if they are already speaking with someone else.

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