You are here: Administrators Reference > Site Administration > Replication > External Directories > Add External Directory

Add External Directory

Use this dialog to set up replication for directories outside of CommonSpot or your site.  Directories must already exist on the target servers, and the file system structure for the External Directory on the target must be identical to the structure on the authoring server. This dialog displays in edit mode for existing external directories.

Enter the full path to a valid external directory in the External Directory field, as shown above, and select from the dropdowns. For details, see Add Site Relative Directory dialog - options here are identical.

Optionally include subdirectories.

Note: If you specify c:/web/web-app/ and that directory contains another /admin/ directory (c:/web/web-app/admin), the admin directory will not replicate unless you check Include sub-directories for the subsite. In addition, for replication to complete, External Directories must have the same drive and directory structure on the target server(s) as on the authoring server.


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