Rehabilitation 1
Rehabilitation 2
Illustrating Four Treatments in Oregon National Park Service National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, with link to ParkNet.
<<Fitting Your Work to Time & Place
Jacksonville National Historic District
This is a detail image of the distinctive Jackson County Courthouse cupola. Photo: HABS Collection, NPS.
/ Community History
/ FOCUS ON: Jackson County Courthouse
/ Chooosing "Preservation" as a Treatment 

Working on the Past in Local Historic Districts
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This is an image of the Jackson County Courthouse exterior. Photo: HABS Collection, NPS.Choosing Preservation
When the property's distinctive materials, features, and spaces are essentially intact and thus convey the historic significance without extensive repair or replacement; when depiction at a particular period of time is not appropriate; and when a continuing or new use does not require additions or extensive alterations, Preservation may be considered as a treatment.

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The Jackson County Courthouse is a key structure of the National Landmark Historic District and an excellent example of the treatment, Preservation. From 1947 to the present, the building has been preserved, “as is” by the Southern Oregon Historical Society. Since alterations and additions are not a part of this treatment, the focus is primarily on maintaining and preserving existing historic features.

This is an image of a worker on a cherry picker painting the historic wood cornice. A sign on the front of the building says 'Jacksonville Museum.' Photo: Courtesy, Brad Linder, SOHS. This is an image of a well-preserved cornice. Photo: HABS Collection, NPS. This is an image of the windows, after re-glazing. Photo: George Kramer.
  Repainting the historic wood cornice. Repairing the cupola. Re-glazing windows.

As noted, possibly the most significant change over time to the Jacksonville County Courthouse was alteration of the original 1884 front porch (below left) in this historic postcard view. Functional and decorative elements of the original porch — balusters, corner posts, terminal orbs, and flat roof — were all replaced with an unadorned shallow-pitched gable roof in 1946 (see photo, right).

This is an early color postcard image of the original Jackson County Courthouse entry porch, a highly ornate, flat-roofed feature. Photo: Courtesy, George Kramer. This is an image of the 1946  unadorned, shallow-pitched replacement porch. Photo: George Kramer.
  Entry porch from 1884-1946. Entry porch from 1946 to present.

In Restoration, the appearance of the early front porch would be re-created, but in Preservation, the later front porch is retained. This is a primary distinction between the treatments, and is clearly illustrated in this Oregon project example.

Centennial celebration. On February 11, 1884, court convened in the new Jackson County Courthouse in Jacksonville, Oregon. On February 11, 1984, the Southern Oregon Historical Society hosted a celebration, and completed a special commemorative coin designed in honor of the celebration.

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Appreciation is extended to Brad Linder, George Kramer, and David Skilton for their generous contributions to the creation of the case study on Jacksonville National Historic District.