Junior Ranger

An adult high fives a boy

NPS photo/S. Spatz

Explore. Learn. Protect.

That's what being a Junior Ranger is all about. Earning a badge isn't just for kids. Adults can earn their Junior Ranger badges by completing more activities and learning gold rush history, too!
Wooden badge with text "Junior Ranger Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park"

How to become a Junior Ranger In Skagway

  • You can become a Junior Ranger if you come to Skagway. Earn your badge by completing the book! Pick up a Junior Ranger book at the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park's Visitor Center. Spend the day exploring and enjoying the park. Return the completed booklet to the Visitor Center or via mail.

At Home:

  • Download our new Junior Ranger booklet and get started at home. This new book features activities for all ages and skills. Learn about the gold rush while earning gold nuggets for each activity. The older you are, the more nuggets you need to earn to get your badge.
  • Junior Ranger Activity Book (PDF 48.8 MB, accessible)

Once you have finished the booklet you can bring it to the park in person, email us scanned or photographed version, or mail it to us and we'll send you your reward. Please make sure to circle which age category you fall under and fill your name out on the Junior Ranger Certificate so we know who to send the badge to.

Email photos or scans of your completed booklet to KLGO_information@nps.gov. Make sure to include your return mailing address so we can send you your badge
Mail your completed booklet to:
Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
Attn: Junior Ranger Program
P.O. Box 517
Skagway, AK 99840

Children participating in a game in a lawn

NPS photo/S. Millard

Junior Ranger Day
Join us for Junior Ranger Day on Thursday, August 1, 2024! The event takes place between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Moore House.

This carnival celebrates the youth that will become the next generation of stewards of the National Parks. Join us for Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Dancers, a junior fire fighter obstacle course, lure making, fish dissection, ice-cream making, treasure hunt, and map making.


Last updated: July 9, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
P.O. Box 517

Skagway, AK 99840


907 983-9200

Contact Us