Maritime Heritage Grants: Compliance

National Maritime Heritage and the Financial Assistance Programmatic Agreement

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) implementing regulations allow federal agencies to develop alternative approaches to compliance such as Programmatic Agreements.

As of 2023, the NPS is in the process of developing a PA specifically for its cultural resources financial assistance federal undertakings. The proposed PA will create an efficient and consistent Section 106 process for cultural resource activities that are considered federal undertakings in grant programs and cooperative agreements.

For additional information regarding the new Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for Cultural Resources Financial Assistance, please visit the NPS Planning, Environment & Public Comment page.

The National Maritime Heritage Grants Program will be implementing the new Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for Cultural Resources Financial Assistance when it becomes available and currently utilizes the 4-step process.

The National Maritime Heritage Grants Program conducted a webinar in July 2023 regarding changes to the Program to include its intent to use the new PA, usage of HPF Online, and how the Program will implement Section 106 and 110 under the new PA.

Conducting Review and Compliance

What is Review and Compliance?

Review and Compliance is a process that applies federal laws, regulations, and standards related to historic preservation and environmental protection to federal projects that affect historic resources.

Important Federal Laws

The action of awarding a federal grant triggers the review responsibilities of the NPS as the federal agency, under three main federal Historic Preservation laws:

Are these laws applicable to me (as a grantee)?

Yes. When federal money is being allocated and spent, there is an obligation under the NHPA and the NEPA to ensure that historic resources and the environments are not harmed by the actions supported by the federal funding.

Review and Compliance Requirements (Sections 106 and 110, NEPA & SOI Standards)

The National Historic Preservation Act (Sections 106 and 110) National Environmental Policy Act have different submission requirements for the National Park Service to review. The Secretary Standards are the approved methods of how to conduct preservation work. For more information about the requirements, please look at our resources below.

The National Maritime Heritage Grants Program does not fund adverse effects.

Review and Compliance Process

What is the Process for National Maritime Heritage Grants Program projects?

For Sections 106 and 110,

  1. NPS provides a preliminary assessment of Preservation and Education awards and their potential to cause effect. Most Preservation projects have the potential to cause effect while most Education grant projects do not have the potential to cause effect. Letters of Determination of primary awards will be provided to prime grantees (SHPO) and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO).

  2. The prime grantee (SHPO) is responsible for conducting Section 106 reviews of their subgrant project applicants; as the managing entity, it is the SHPO’s responsibility to create and manage specific guidelines for Section 106 review.

  3. The prime grantee (SHPO) reviews all documentation (plans and specifications) provided by selected subgrantees for Section 106 (and Section 110 if applicable).

  4. If needed, NPS works with the prime grantee (SHPO) to determine or adjust the effect of the project on the historic resources.

  5. NPS prepares an official letter to the State Historic Preservation Office/Tribal Historic Preservation Office (SHPO/THPO) to seek concurrence on the subgrant project assessment.

  6. The SHPO and/or THPO has 30 days upon receiving the official letter from NPS to respond. The SHPO/THPO will either:

    • Concur and the project can advance.

    • Not concur and NPS and the prime grantee will consult with the SHPO and/or THPO and all interested parties to resolve the issue.

    • Ask for additional information.


  1. The prime grantee (SHPO) completes and submits the NEPA worksheet, which can be found in HPF Online.

  2. NPS reviews the completed NEPA worksheet concurrent with Section 106/110 review.

  3. Based on review of the NEPA worksheet:

  • NPS will research the Categorical Exclusion (CatEx) that applies to the project and approve the NEPA worksheet, or
  • NPS does not approve the NEPA worksheet and asks the prime grantee for additional information to help inform the NEPA review and the identification of an applicable CatEx.

HPF Online: Grant Compliance Management for Grantees

The National Maritime Heritage Grants Program uses HPF Online to enter and track all subgrants, contracts, and in-house activities.

SHPOs should enter in-house projects and subgrants when they are ready for NPS review prior to executing contracts and/or subgrant agreements. The full list of requirements and instructions for the use of HPF Online for National Maritime Heritage Grants may be found in the downloadable copy of the National Maritime Heritage Grants HPF Online Manual.

For all new grantees, please ensure new staff who need access to HPF Online have set up new user accounts by emailing and cc’ing

Section 106 Submission for State Historic Preservation Offices

Documentation related to projects involving Section 106 should be submitted within HPF Online for projects funded by a preservation or education grant.

NHL Documentation Submission for State Historic Preservation Offices

Documentation related to projects involving NHLs should be submitted within HPF Online for projects funded by a preservation or education grant.

NEPA Reporting for State Historic Preservation Offices

NEPA environmental assessment should be completed within HPF Online for projects funded by a preservation or education grant.

Compliance Resources

What are the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Secretary of the Interior Standards (SOI)?

Information overload? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Review & Compliance is complicated and contains many moving parts. Let’s break down the basics.

National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)

The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires federal agencies to consider the impact their actions have on our historic resources. In order to meet the requirements of this act, we require additional information for certain types of projects. Both grantees and the National Park Service have responsibilities to ensure the best care of our irreplaceable cultural resources.

The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) established the federal program for historic preservation in the United States, intended to preserve cultural and archeological resources important to the country. The act created the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the National Historic Landmark Program (NHL), and the Federal Preservation Partnership program that includes State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO and THPO), as well as Certified Local Governments (CLG).

There are formalized standards titled Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation. These Standards, which are actually a collection of resource- and treatment-specific standards and illustrative guidelines, apply to all National Maritime Heritage Grants.

Section 106 and Section 110 are components of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA). Section 106 contains the 4-Step Process. Section 110 refers to the National Historic Landmark Program (NHL).

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

The National Environmental Policy Act (Public Law 91-190) requires Federal agencies to consider the broadest possible impacts of their actions on the environment. Within the context of this law, the government must take into account the natural environment, the human environment, the built environment, socioeconomic factors, and other elements.

What are the Secretary of the Interior Standards (SOI)?

You may have noticed that your grant agreement contains the requirement that all work comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Archeology and Historic Preservation. But what does this mean? Where are these "standards"? Confusingly, there is no one set of standards; instead, there are different standards depending on the type of work undertaken. Although cultural resources professionals will often use the phrase "Secretary's Standards" as a kind of shorthand, it is very important to be clear in which set of standards apply to proposed or actual project work. Although some of the practices and procedures may predate the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, what we today call the Standards for Archeology and Historic Preservation stem from this act whose requirements help to refine and give purpose to broad, national preservation policies.

The National Maritime Heritage Grants Program requires grantees to use the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Archeology and Historic Preservation which include, as applicable to project work, Standards for Historic Vessel Preservation Projects.

Where Can I Go for Additional Information?

Need additional information?

National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)

General About NHPA
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA
54 USC Subtitle III: National Preservation Programs (
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)
Federal Preservation Partnership
National Historic Landmark Program (NHL)
Certified Local Governments (CLG)
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Section 106 Section 106
Section 106, formally 54 USC 306108
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Section 106 Compliance Program
Helpful guide to this process
Section 110 Section 110
National Natural Landmark name
National Historic Landmark listing name
National Historic Landmarks Program

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

General NEPA
Public Law 91-190
Overview of the NEPA review process
National Environmental Policy Act

Secretary of the Interior Standards (SOI)

General Historic Preservation Standards and Guidelines
Standards for Archeology and Historic Preservation
The Archeological Documentation Standards
Historic Property Treatment Standards Preservation
Historic Vessel Preservation Historic Vessel Preservation
Archaeology Archaeology
Laws, Regulations, & Guidelines
Underwater Archaeology Submerged Resources Center
Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987
Sunken Military Craft Act of 2004
Reservoir Salvage Act of 1960
HABS/HAER/HALS Heritage Documentation Programs
Guidelines & Resources
Technical Preservation Services Technical Preservation Services: Treatment of Historic Properties

Last updated: December 8, 2023